October 18, 2024

Restauration and Landscaping Work Underway at Parc du Souvenir
At its council meeting, council awarded a contract to Placement KS Inc. the lowest compliant bidder, for the restoration of the shoreline and landscaping of Parc du Souvenir, located on the shores of Lac des Deux Montagnes, between 50 and 64 Senneville Road. The project aims to revitalize the area while preserving its natural and historic character.
Project Objectives
- Connectivity: Establish continuity with the existing trail network and surrounding public spaces.
- Diversity of use: Offer visitors a variety of spaces and activities, while maintaining a visual link and access to the lake.
- Heritage: Recall the local historical character.
- Biodiversity: Diversify plant cover and encourage sustainable development.
- Environmental restoration: Restore the riparian environment for the benefit of flora and fauna.
Description of Work
The shoreline restoration work includes the construction of two low walls made of large blocks of natural stone, measuring approximately 1.2 m high over a total length of 16 m. Revegetation of the riparian strip is also planned. The embankment overlooking the lake, already equipped with a concrete wall, will be preserved.
Landscaping work for the Parc du Souvenir is also part of the project. Two accesses will be delineated by a shrub hedge along Senneville Road, limiting unwanted parking. An ornamental planting zone around the memorial stone will enrich the space, while a stone dust path will link the park to the existing network. Natural stone surfaces will frame the path, incorporating amenities such as waste garbage containers and bike racks, as well as benches for accessible rest areas. Extensive green spaces will enable a variety of activities such as picnics and games, while maintaining visual access and access to the lake, through grassed areas. Areas of low vegetation will facilitate observation, while rest areas with furniture facing the lake will provide privacy and comfort for users, all framed by grass hedges.
Work Schedule
The work will be carried out in two phases:
- Phase 1 is scheduled for this fall (week of October 21, 2024). Duration: 5 weeks.
- Phase 2 is scheduled for spring. Duration: 4 weeks.
Special Measures
In order to preserve the tranquility of the neighborhood, construction work, as well as the delivery of materials and other work, is prohibited: (a) Monday to Friday, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.; (b) Saturday, before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m.; (c) Sunday, a holiday or non-working day. The work area will be fenced off. Parking spaces will be reserved for the contractor. We ask you to respect the signs in place.
Whenever possible, the park will remain partially accessible to the public during construction work, with construction site fencing delimiting the areas concerned.
This project represents an opportunity to revitalize Parc du Souvenir while preserving the local ecosystem.
January 15, 2024
Senneville Park playground redevelopment

The Village of Senneville wishes to inform its citizens of the details in regards of the Senneville Park playground redevelopment project.
The current modules no longer meet user needs and have reached the end of their useful life. The playground will be rebuilt on the same site, incorporating a play fountains area.
The work also includes resurfacing the pathways with asphalt and refurbishing the old mini-games area with a paver surface to redefine the pool reception area.
At the December 19 meeting, Council awarded a contract to Installation Jeux-tec Inc. the lowest compliant bidder, for the Senneville Park redevelopment project.
Construction work will take place during the week, from Monday to Friday, starting on April 1 and finishing in June.
In order to preserve the tranquility of the neighborhood, construction work, as well as the delivery of materials and other work, is prohibited: (a) Monday to Friday, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.; (b) Saturday, before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m.; (c) Sunday, a holiday or non-working day; The work area will be fenced off; Parking spaces will be reserved for the contractor. We ask you to respect the signs in place.
To report an emergency outside office hours, please call 514 630-1234.
INFO WORK newsletter:
January 15, 2024
Notice of low-level overflight helicopter – Hydro-Québec

Please be advised that Hydro-Québec will be carrying out thermographic inspections of some of its transmission lines during the week of January 15, 2024. The inspection will take place over two or three days, depending on weather conditions.
A helicopter will fly at low altitude in the area identified by the image below.
For more information, please call the Info-Project line at 514 385-8888, ext. 3462.
The purpose of the inspection is to identify and replace certain transmission line components which, over time, are more likely to cause service interruptions due to failure. The operation is part of Hydro-Québec’s priority to improve the quality and reliability of its network, including the transmission system, which comprises more than 34,000 km of lines.
January 12, 2024
Île-aux-Tourtes bridge

Reopening of a third lane scheduled for Monday, January 15 and update on mitigation measures
Depending on the weather forecast, the opening of a 3rd traffic lane on the bridge is scheduled for Monday January 15. The configuration will be:
- 2 lanes towards Vaudreuil-Dorion
- 1 lane Montreal-bound
This configuration will be in effect at all times. The choice of direction was based on the most significant periods of congestion in recent weeks, which have been towards Vaudreuil-Dorion.
The opening will depend on weather conditions, since the last stage of the work involves marking the roadway, and must be carried out without precipitation. Mobile work took place last night, and a complete closure of the bridge is scheduled for Sunday night and Monday, from 8 p.m. until 5 a.m. the following day.
December 18, 2023
Île-aux-Tourtes bridge

The L’Île-aux-Tourtes bridge will be closed westbound from December 22, 11:30 p.m. to December 24, 5 a.m., but will remain OPEN towards Montreal during this period.
December 15, 2023
Île-aux-Tourtes bridge: new measures to ensure safe travel

December 13, 2023
New mitigation measures in force from December 14, 2023

December 13, 2023
Île-aux-Tourtes bridge completely closed for the weekend of December 15-18

The municipality of Senneville, in collaboration with the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable, will ensure ongoing communication regarding local impacts.
Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable
Project web page on the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable website
A new Facebook page and X account dedicated to the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge are now available for information on the project to maintain and rebuild the existing bridge.
If you have any questions or comments about the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge, you can contact the Ministry using the online form, or by calling 511.Direct communications from the Ministère: Although the Village of Senneville is one of the municipalities covered by section 29.1 of the Charter of the French Language, the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable is obliged to respect the Politique linguistique de l’État.