Home Event Workshop – Bite prevention

Workshop – Bite prevention

  • Saturday, September 23, 2023 from 10 a.m. to noon
  • Cost: Free for residents | $15 for non-residents
  • Level: All
  • Teacher: Nadine Caron is a trained animal behaviorist, specialized educator and zootherapist. Member of the Association for Force-Free Pet Professionals (PPGUILD) and Co-founder of RQIEC (Regroupement québécois des intervenants en éducation canine).
  • To registercoordo-loisirs@senneville.ca

Dogs are an integral part of our lives. Let’s make sure we understand them.

There are many victims of dog bites, yet it’s easy to reduce the number by making both children and adults aware of safe approach techniques and behaviors to avoid in the presence of a dog, and by teaching them how to respect dogs and understand their language.

If a bite occurs with the dog in the house, it’s important to understand and explain it, but also to know the risks of recurrence and how to avoid them?

Come and find all these answers and more.